Performance comparison table for javascript frameworks Example results are as follows:
Execution context and activation object in details
There are many interesting articles both in Russian and English. You can start with this one — In Russian — The short summary Javascript runtime is synchronous and processes Execution Context Stack. It’s bottom Execution Context is global object as everything starts with this. When some function or eval is being called, runtime …
Multiple react applications on one page. Theory
Yes, it can be done. That’s how you render several react apps on one page:
Implementations of sort algorithms in javascript
Implementations of bubble, selection, merge, and quick sorts.
Cool talk on js event loop and call stack
It’s junior-middle level, but animations are great. Here’s an article about almost the same but in more details about difference between tasks’ queue (timeouts) and microtasks’ queue (promises and DOM modifications). The main idea is that there are several queues that have different priorities. And microtasks are more important than tasks.
Front-end interview questions with answers
Yeap, yet another one. That’s what it has now: Table of Contents
React. Benchmarking and optimizing performance
There is a tool called react-addons-perf that should be imported into your project.
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import Perf from 'react-addons-perf'; window.Perf = Perf; |
After that you can use Perf object in your console. It can tell you about your react performance issues, not including redux. For instance, you can check unnecessary renders or unnecessary change calculations:
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Perf.start(); // do whatever you want to measure Perf.stop(); Perf.printOperations(); // to show DOM manipulations Perf.printWaisted(); // to show unneeded calculations for components which remained the same afterwards |
Here’s more on that — And …
MVC vs Flux
They are all architecture patterns. M is for model. It stores generic logic for the model like fields and calculations based on the fields like validation and stuff. V is for view. It just renders stuff and passes user interactions (events) to its controller via the controller’s API. C is for controller that ties models …
Nice scheduling service
And can be used for free. Calendar where you can post a schedule when you’re available for something to share with others.
RESTful API basics
It is a way to structure your API over HTTP. REST stands for “Representational State Transfer”. It has 5 major parts: The endpoint The method The headers Request body HTTP status Endpoint paths Could be something like
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/users/:username/repos /users/:username/repos/:repo /users/:username/repos?sort=date&order=asc |
Methods GET Read entry/list of entries POST Create an entry PUT Update all entry fields PATCH Update …