Category Archives: Soft and services

Run virtual machine Ubuntu/Windows on m1 macos

There is a program called UTM based on QEMU and developed for m1 MacBook virtualization. At least Ubuntu Server is working fine for me. More info on this —

Debugging go app in Jetbrains Goland on m1

First download a proper version of GoLand here — select .dmg (MacOS Apple Silicon) here (direct link — Then make sure you are using arm version of go (go version go1.16.2 darwin/arm64). If not, download and install arm version of golang (like «go1.16.2.darwin-arm64.pkg») from the list here — Now it should work. With …

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Run Steam on MacBook with m1 chip (apple silicon)

You need to install Crossover. Then you need to install Steam there. Good video explaining the process of installing Steam on Apple Silicon chips: Here is the list of supported games —

Install go with gvm on MacOS Big Sur

I used to use gvm for this — But initial installation of go from scratch does not work for Big Sur as 1.4 does not have a binary for this OS (this command fails — gvm install go1.4 -B). To use gvm, you can do this: 0. Install gvm — bash <

Use brew cask to install software on MacOS

That’s the way to automate your favorite apps installed on a new machine with one command and a config file. You can either install apps manually with a command like brew cask install goland or install all your apps by provided config. One downside is that it has a limited list of apps supported …

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Mac fan control

It is interesting to check mac’s CPU/GPU temperature and manage fan speed. You can do it with

Limit kids access to Android

You can use official apps for this: Family Link for Parents — and Family Link for Kids — You need to create a family group, and all your family members will be shown here — and here — If you have troubles with some member’s account while trying to add them …

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Copy events from one calendar to another

If your employer does not let you import your work google calendar, you can do it manually all the time or try to automate it. I tried zappier for automation for a couple of weeks now. Works nice.

Interesting alternative to grpc_cli It has REPL mode and CLI mode for e2e tests I think, it could be a good alternative to grpc_cli.

How to watch tv on amazon Fire TV stick

You need to install some apps for that. Settings→My Fire TV→Developer options→Apps from Unknown Sources→ON. 🔍→Type «Downloader»→Click on it→Install. Home→Downloader→Type following link (→Install. 🔍→Type «VLC Player»→Install. Home→Lazy IPTV→New playlist→From Internet(by url)→Type «». Now you can watch it. Home→Lazy IPTV→Channel search→Select a channel you want. More on apps and playlists here — (in Russian).