Category Archives: Programming

Using GOPROXY with go mod

Nice list of image resizer libs in go

With speedtests and other nice things. I tried these two: They are quite the same talking about file sizes and imaging is muuch easier to use.

Simple way to detect browser’s FPS via JS

It’s dumb and dead simple but works. You can even track browser’s metrics with that.

Mocking for testing go code

If you’re testing go code and have a huge API you have to mock, you have two options: make your dummy struct with embedded interface and implement only methods you need, or use your own interface that has only methods you need (and change your code to use that). For instance, I had amazon’s s3 …

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BDD Framework For Golang

There is a good one: It prefers to use as a matcher.

Golang, PostgreSQL and array_agg

If you have SQL like this:

Simple online editor for javascript

Just paste it into navigation bar:

It just outputs the result into console when you click run button. It’s simple and works. Because sometimes you just don’t need monsters like jsfiddle or jsbin.

Storybook for creating components library

It works with all popular frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and others.

React, redux and redux-thunk with typescript

I tried it and it looks strange, verbose and painful. But if you want to try it, please take a look at: (together with

List of resources to prepare for the interview

Mock Interviews (beta), Free Pramp, Free CareerCup, Paid Algorithms Cracking the Code Interview, Book byte by byte, Website and YouTube CS50, YouTube Interview Cake, Website HackerRank, Website LeetCode, Website Operating Systems Operating System Concepts, Book Architecture Design Intro to Architecture and Systems, YouTube Behavioural Intro to Behavioural Interviews, YouTube   Original article with explanations: