Tag Archives: e2e-тесты
Refactor your code and know it’s completely backward compatible
The idea is to run 2 versions of code on production: 1 (control group) — is your old implementation which will be returned to the end user 2 (the experiment) — is a new implementation which results will be checked against the control group and logged It will be run asynchronously and only for a …
Integration tests with testcontainers-go
Here is the go library that simplifies integration tests with docker containers — https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go. That’s how you can use it to test sql — https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go/blob/master/docs/examples/cockroachdb.md. Project documentation — https://golang.testcontainers.org/features/docker_compose/ The idea is to prepare the environment, build your app, then make requests and check the DB state.
E2E tests in go
I tried it via ginkgo and gomega. It has Agouti with WebDriver support out of the box, but I didn’t use it as we have grpc API. That’s the example (table tests):
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var _ = Describe("GetRoute", func() { var ( srClient sr.Client srErr error ) JustBeforeEach(func() { srClient, srErr = GetClient() }) DescribeTable("positive cases", func(fromGeoPointID, toGeoPointID int, expectedUID string, expectedCostGreaterThan float64) { Expect(srErr).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(srClient).NotTo(BeNil()) response, err := srClient.GetRoute(context.TODO(), &sr.GetRouteRequest{ FromGeoPointId: int64(fromGeoPointID), ToGeoPointId: int64(toGeoPointID), Quantity: 1, Volume: 1, Weight: 1, }) Expect(err).To(Succeed()) Expect(response).NotTo(BeNil()) Expect(response.RouteCost).NotTo(BeNil()) Expect(response.RouteCost.RouteUid).To(HaveSuffix(expectedUID)) Expect(response.RouteCost.GetCost()).To(BeNumerically(">", expectedCostGreaterThan)) }, Entry("from(geo=3)->to(geo=2)", 3, 2, "-3-2", float64(10)), ) |
e2e-тестирование AngularJS
Нужно поставить karma (я использовал версию 0.9.1). Вот описание установки и официальная документация по использованию — http://karma-runner.github.io/0.8/index.html (видео достаточно сильно устарело, годится только для того, чтобы понять в общих чертах).