Simple online editor for javascript

Just paste it into navigation bar:

It just outputs the result into console when you click run button. It’s simple and works. Because sometimes you just don’t need monsters like jsfiddle or jsbin.

How to setup mac time machine on synology nas

In russian, sorry.

Pipeline view in shell

grep, zgrep, less and zless regexp examples

Grep all files with mask:

Grep all zipped files with mask:

Less all files with mask:

Grep all zipped files with mask:

Tail all files with mask:

Search for occurencies in directory with grep

Storybook for creating components library

It works with all popular frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and others.

BackBeat Pro not charging. Fix

Once I’ve run into a problem with my lovely Plantronics BackBeat Pro. It decided not to charge with any given cable or power source. It just didn’t react on plugged in a cable, while blinking with red lamp saying that it needs to be charged. After googling and dancing around it, I’ve found a solution: …

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Free smart TV channels

Install this application on your TV After that start the application, open SMILE BY → Onliner → SEGAZ → IPTV → OnlyBest.

git squash variants

If you just want to squash all commits into one. 1. The simplest way: If you have a message like ‘error: failed to push some refs to’, add —force to the last command.

Check ssl certificates on a host

If it says something like gethostbyname failure then try following. It needs socat, which can be installed on macOs like this — brew install socat. Then in one terminal open

and in another terminal: