Category Archives: Soft and services
How to watch tv on amazon Fire TV stick
You need to install some apps for that. Settings→My Fire TV→Developer options→Apps from Unknown Sources→ON. 🔍→Type «Downloader»→Click on it→Install. Home→Downloader→Type following link (→Install. 🔍→Type «VLC Player»→Install. Home→Lazy IPTV→New playlist→From Internet(by url)→Type «». Now you can watch it. Home→Lazy IPTV→Channel search→Select a channel you want. More on apps and playlists here — (in Russian).
Debugging site in chrome from android device
Download platform tools from here — Run ADB with command
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./adb start-server # when you finished, stop it with # ./adb kill-server |
Configure your phone according to this article — (for my specific it is Connect your phone to the computer with USB cable. Follow instructions from here — When finished, stop ADB and turn off all the developer features on your …
Make your bot for telegram using go
It’s really not that difficult. Here are the docs: Here is a simple library in go for telegram — (too simple, from my point of view, does not cover all functionality, but okay). And here is a skeletton for making your bots if you want it as just standalone binary —
Letsencrypt — easy way
Now you can install certbot-nginx and it will do everything for you.
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sudo yum install certbot-nginx |
And then
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sudo certbot --nginx -d -d |
If it does not work, try this sudo certbot -d -d and then select nginx in a prompt.
Automark messages as read in all folders, except inbox
Well, you can do it with Google Apps Scripts. It is a nice google automation thing to use for multiple purposes. Here is how you can do this — I decided not to touch the Spam folder together with Inbox.
env-file parser for Goland
You can use env-file parser for running and debugging your app in Jetbrains’ products like Goland. It’s pretty simple and works.
How to hide face with iMovie
If you want to edit a video on mac and want to hide some part of the scene, there’s one easy way I found to do it with iMovie. I didn’t find a way, I’ve found a video about that.
Install exact version via brew
For instance, we’re looking for kubernetes-helm@2.9 helm 2.9
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git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow cd "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" git log Formula/kubernetes-helm.rb # searching for 2.9.0 with a command /2\.9\.0 and copying hash like "7ade79f13b4bbcc6126803245594d97b2abbe2fa" git checkout -b kubernetes-helm@2.9.0 7ade79f13b4bbcc6126803245594d97b2abbe2fa HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install kubernetes-helm |
Now we have needed version of helm. If you see an error message like Error: go: unknown version :mountain_lion, you should make a little hack (as it said here). Check all the files depending on
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grep 'depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion' Formula/* # you'll see something like Formula/bashdb.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/chrome-cli.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/clipsafe.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/go.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/go@1.8.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/go@1.9.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/ios-sim.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/mesos.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/mongodb.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/mongodb@3.0.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/mongodb@3.2.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion Formula/mongodb@3.4.rb: depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion ... |
In each file just comment a string saying depends_on :macos …
Free video editor — Davinci Resolve
Online code editors — has go and js — has js