Category Archives: golang
Go memory hints
Below hints are related to very hot places of CPU/memory bound programs. And in regular (i/o bound) programs do not make much sense. Stack vs heap Go’s compiler goal is to allocate on the stack as much as possible. As it will reduce the amount of data that needs to be cleaned by the Garbage …
Useful links for proto generator development
Go study
A list of resources for learning golang
Nullable fields in json generated from protobuf file
Native support With grpc v2 for go, protofile’s optional option is supported, so you don’t need to import proto extensions anymore and use things like google.protobuf.StringValue. my.proto
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message FeeView { optional string name = 1 [json_name = "name"]; } |
go mapper
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var name *string if fee.Name != nil { name = &fee.Name } fee := &desc.FeeView{ Name: name, } |
Legacy way with extensions Null for nil value my.proto
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import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; message FeeView { google.protobuf.StringValue name = 1 [json_name = "name"]; } |
go mapper
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import "" var name *types.StringValue if fee.Name != nil { name = &types.StringValue{ Value: *fee.Name, } } fee := &desc.FeeView{ Name: name, } |
Which will lead to this json response
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{"translation_key":"a fee","name":null,"value":5,"style":"body","text_color":"grey","tag":null} |
Omit a field …
Talk about pros and cons of GraphQL
Pros: Very flexible — clients decide which fields of which entities they need. Documentation and test UI are available by default. Cons: Code looks ugly. N+1 selects problem is hard to solve (most probably — with some ad-hoc). It’s harder to test as you don’t know all the use cases. Not a binary protocol — …
Debugging go app in Jetbrains Goland on m1
First download a proper version of GoLand here — select .dmg (MacOS Apple Silicon) here (direct link — Then make sure you are using arm version of go (go version go1.16.2 darwin/arm64). If not, download and install arm version of golang (like «go1.16.2.darwin-arm64.pkg») from the list here — Now it should work. With …
Embedding assets to go binary in go 1.16
That’s how you can use it:
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package server import "embed" // content holds our static web server content. //go:embed image/* template/* //go:embed html/index.html var content embed.FS data, _ := f.ReadFile("html/index.html") print(string(data)) |
Or embedding one file directly into a variable:
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import _ "embed" //go:embed hello.txt var s string print(s) |
More details —
Forward multiple kubernetes pods for local development
kubefwd is a great tool that can forward a lot of pods at once to your local machine. The only downside for me is that it touches your local /etc/hosts. That’s how I use it:
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sudo KUBECONFIG=<path to your k8s config> kubefwd svc -l "app in (first-api, second-api, third-service)" |
It does not have huge documentation, but it is written in golang, and you can check how the source …
Force ipv4 for golang http client
Sometimes you want to prevent your http client from using ipv6/tcp6. That’s how you do it.
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dialer := &net.Dialer{ Timeout: dialTimeout, KeepAlive: keepAliveTimeout, } transport := &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, ForceAttemptHTTP2: false, DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network string, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { ipv4, err := resolveIPv4(addr) if err != nil { return nil, err } return dialer.DialContext(ctx, network, ipv4) }, } httpClient := &http.Client{ Transport: transport, Timeout: args.HTTPTimeout, } // resolveIPv4 resolves an address to IPv4 address. func resolveIPv4(addr string) (string, error) { url := strings.Split(addr, ":") m := new(dns.Msg) m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(url[0]), dns.TypeA) m.RecursionDesired = true config, _ := dns.ClientConfigFromFile("/etc/resolv.conf") c := new(dns.Client) r, _, err := c.Exchange(m, net.JoinHostPort(config.Servers[0], config.Port)) if err != nil { return "", err } for _, ans := range r.Answer { if a, ok := ans.(*dns.A); ok { url[0] = a.A.String() } } return strings.Join(url, ":"), nil } |