Category Archives: MasOsX
Improve your MacOS experience while using external displays
A couple of apps: — free — about $20 for one license.
MacOS issue — a lot of purgeable disk space
I used to have an issue — about 300Gb of extra disk space occupied on my MacBook labeled as «pergeable» (on my MacOS Sonoma). There are a lot of suggestion on the internet, but only 2 of them worked for me. First, I synced my backups with 2 of my TimeMachines (one of them was …
YouType to show flag icon for current locale on MacOS
It has reacher functionality, but I use it only to show a flag for my current locale in a tray.
Heroes 3 on MacOS with M1 Apple Silicon
Initial installation 1. You need Parallels Desktop with M1 support — 2. Also you need an insider account on Microsoft web site to download win 11 for arm — 3. Then you need to download Win 11 for arm — 4. Download Heroes 3 Hota on the internet (many links are there). …
Mac OS — decrease pdf size via Preview app
To decrease the size of the .pdf filled with images, in Preview you can go to Export and set Quartz Filter→Reduce File Size before saving. If the images are too blurry for you, you can add your own profile. 1. Create a directory — /Library/Filters. 2. Add new filter file with unique filter — i.e. …
Run virtual machine Ubuntu/Windows on m1 macos
There is a program called UTM based on QEMU and developed for m1 MacBook virtualization. At least Ubuntu Server is working fine for me. More info on this —
Debugging go app in Jetbrains Goland on m1
First download a proper version of GoLand here — select .dmg (MacOS Apple Silicon) here (direct link — Then make sure you are using arm version of go (go version go1.16.2 darwin/arm64). If not, download and install arm version of golang (like «go1.16.2.darwin-arm64.pkg») from the list here — Now it should work. With …
Run Steam on MacBook with m1 chip (apple silicon)
You need to install Crossover. Then you need to install Steam there. Good video explaining the process of installing Steam on Apple Silicon chips: Here is the list of supported games —
Mac fan control
It is interesting to check mac’s CPU/GPU temperature and manage fan speed. You can do it with
Installing protobuf tools on MacOS
Installing protoc
1 |
brew install protobuf |
Or follow different instructions. Installing grpc_cli Option 1. Easy way.
1 2 |
brew tap grpc/grpc brew install --with-plugins grpc |
It is described here — Option 2. Hard way — using cmake and make. NOT RECOMMENDED.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
brew install autoconf automake libtool shtool cmake git clone -b $(curl -L cd grpc git submodule update --init mkdir -p cmake/build cd cmake/build cmake ../.. make gRPC_INSTALL=ON make install # and continue accordgin to |
Or follow these instructions