DynamoDB videos list
AWS decided to start a series of videos on DynamoDB usage.
First 5 episodes were published on Youtube, and I made a playlist for them:
After that, they decided to publish it on Twitch. So here are all the videos so far (including some of those published on Youtube):
Build with DynamoDB | Intro to Amazon DynamoDB Science & Technology
Build On DynamoDB | Intro to NoSQL Data Modeling with Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | NoSQL Data Modeling with Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | Advanced NoSQL Data Modeling with Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | A Data Modeling Use Case Deep DiveScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | Implementing an Inventory and Orders Management Data ModelScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | Migrating to Amazon DynamoDB from CassandraScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB — Ep 9 — Transactions in Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB: DynamoDB Use Cases in Different IndustriesScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | Implementing an Inventory and Orders Management Data Model (Part 1)Science & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | Implementing an Inventory and Orders Management Data Model (Part 2)Science & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | When Should I use Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon DocumentDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
Build with DynamoDB | S1 E11 | NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB
Build with DynamoDB | Estimating the cost of using Amazon DynamoDBScience & Technology
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