Force ipv4 for golang http client

Sometimes you want to prevent your http client from using ipv6/tcp6. That’s how you do it.

Mocking for unit-tests and e2e-tests in golang

Some patterns to test your golang app. Mocking an interface Mocking SQL database Mocking HTTP server for unit-tests Stubbing HTTP server for e2e-tests Mocking for e2e-tests with dockertest

Install go2 beta on MacOS

A quick guide on installing golang v2 development revision. It works for my MacOS Big Sur (with an Intel processor).

Using DataDog on your CentOs Or, if you want a dockerized version of DataDog agent, and you want to listen to docker logs, you can do this:

More info here — Then you will see your logs here —

Install go with gvm on MacOS Big Sur

I used to use gvm for this — But initial installation of go from scratch does not work for Big Sur as 1.4 does not have a binary for this OS (this command fails — gvm install go1.4 -B). To use gvm, you can do this: 0. Install gvm — bash <

Use brew cask to install software on MacOS

That’s the way to automate your favorite apps installed on a new machine with one command and a config file. You can either install apps manually with a command like brew cask install goland or install all your apps by provided config. One downside is that it has a limited list of apps supported …

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Mac fan control

It is interesting to check mac’s CPU/GPU temperature and manage fan speed. You can do it with

Add all lines from a .env file to environment



to output to stdout

prepend running a command (did not try it, but something similar):

Complete list of swagger options to protobuf file

Here is an example with many options that help generate proper swagger out of protofile. Original URL —

Refactor your code and know it’s completely backward compatible

The idea is to run 2 versions of code on production: 1 (control group) — is your old implementation which will be returned to the end user 2 (the experiment) — is a new implementation which results will be checked against the control group and logged It will be run asynchronously and only for a …

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