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Собеседование. Что расспросить о компании
Top questions
- What is your workflow? From idea to production.
- How does your usual day look like?
- What is the most annoying technical thing that bothers you on daily basis
HR interview questions:
- Who are the other major players in this space? What do we have that they don’t?
- Why have the last few people left?
- Who is your ideal candidate?
- How does your usual day look like?
- Do you have a relocation package?
Tech interview questions:
- What is your workflow? From idea to production.
- What do you do when things go wrong? Revert release, debugging and so on.
- How often have you moved teams? What made you join the team you’re on right now? If you wanted to move teams, what would need to happen?
- What is the most costly technical decision made early on that the company is living with now?
- Who are the other major players in this space? What do we have that they don’t?
- Why have the last few people left?
- Who is your ideal candidate?
- How do you teach rookies?
- How does your usual day look like?
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