Tag Archives: less
grep, zgrep, less and zless regexp examples
Grep all files with mask:
1 |
grep "regex to find" /var/log/lb-*.net/nginx/error.log |
Grep all zipped files with mask:
1 |
zgrep "regex to find" /var/remote-log/nodejs-1*.net/node/error.log.* |
Less all files with mask:
1 |
less /var/log/lb-*.net/nginx/error.log |
Grep all zipped files with mask:
1 |
zless /var/remote-log/nodejs-1*.net/node/error.log.* |
Tail all files with mask:
1 |
tail -f /var/log/lb-*.net/nginx/error.log |
Less Watcher для PhpStorm
Нужно поставить less и добавить watcher: Полезные ссылки: http://webdevism.alabebop.com/?p=127 http://dan.clarke.name/2013/04/env-node-no-such-file-or-directory-error-in-intellij-idea-file-watcher/
Компиляторы less в css под Windows
http://www.dotlesscss.org/ Использование:
1 |
dotless.Compiler source [destination] |
http://wearekiss.com/simpless — ещё и минифицирует (кстати, кроссплатформенный)